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I'll also include my FREE Weekly "Break It Down, Debra! Updates" (a $197 value) that expand upon the core concepts of my book with true stories from women like you. I answer your most burning questions on a weekly basis, show you how to take the pressure off, stop beating yourself up and putting yourself down + give you practical advice + solid support to break free and start living your best life NOW—at work and at home. It's worked for me. It's worked for thousands of women I've advised. It will work for you. (Your information is kept 100% confidential)

Debra-Condren"Debra Condren’s book is something I wish I had twenty years ago. Having learned from my mistakes, being a person who self-sabotaged for many years, afraid of the A-word, life as a mother, a filmmaker, and an actor has made me come to terms with the word ambitious. It’s okay and I’m proud of who I am today. Read this book so you can avoid the long road of self-sabotage and embrace ambition as a powerful virtue."
– Rosanna Arquette, actor, filmmaker
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“‘Wouldn’t it be inspiring if you could acknowledge straight up, to yourself and to others, that you have big, precious goals? ’ Condren urges women to pry apart the bars of ‘self-imposed traps’ which cause ambitious women to ‘sell themselves short’ and to ‘reclaim ambition as a virtue.’”
stop self sabotage

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